Welcome to my court
Today is my Birthday. Massachusetts robbed me last night during first hour of my Birthday again similar to last year. I am in Birth Certificate 09/21/1985 but in real birthday I am 7th of Libra 1985 or according Hijri Qamari 7/Mehr/1364. But again birth certificate I am 09/21/1958. Welcome to my court.
We also want to develop Black Sea based Trade system and Industrial supply chain involving nations on Black Sea and countries bordering black sea. There is efficient way of transit across multiple regions via black sea and each region has very broad land access behind it providing excellent condition for trading between different regions. Countries on black sea are either under developed or under sanction and sabotage. Thus such project will develop them a great deal. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Iran can have access via Turkey and Georgia to the #black #Sea. Then we have Ukraine which many of its industries were dependent on Russia supply chain before closing down and these industries could be revived if we take effective and well planned actions. There are also several Balkan and western European countries which can join this system and connecting Iranian Plateau, Middle East, Caucuses, Balkan, and Russia together and to the heart of European Union. It will also provide access to #Mediterranean Sea for me since I have to go around South Africa since Egypt doesn’t let me go through Suez Canal. Egypt must allow Iranian ships through Suez Canal. We also have similar project for Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Caspian Sea, and Gulf of Mexico (South America + North America) we are also going to build extensive land based trade system with help of China, Iran, and Russia. #Iran #Black #Sea #China #Russia #Balkan #Turkey #European #Union #EU #Egypt #Ukraine #China #Azerbaijan #Georgia #Armenia #Turkey #Red #Sea #Persian #Gulf #Indian #Ocean #Mexico By the way new types of ship for rapid transit can also be engineered which I guess already available
We are not having a draw in Nicaragua. Nicaragua is not to be overthrown and is not to be reset by mass mind control. It is not even a draw and the damage to their tourism industry was unacceptable. We need tourists for Nicaragua to help the economy and regime change will not happened. The current government will stay in power and we rather a path toward forgiveness of opposition and freeing them from prisons and hide outs. Beyond this we have a victory by government. Don't even make it look like draw. Regime change was rejected and the contingency due to mass mind control of protesters must end. Concerning Venezuela we have a draw since we rejected the overthrow but the economic and financial arms of United States was used against Venezuela at worst point of time thus effectively causing government to be stuck in spiral of losing oil production. It was also exasperate by economic and industrial sabotages both concerning oil production and government management. This one is a draw but we can not allow Venezuela to fall since Venezuela is balance of power and will stay under current rule. We invite systematic large scale measures by Spain due to colonial ties helping with establishment of large scale farming, product manufacturing, and developing oil fields in Venezuela. We already have China in Place to develop some of oil capabilities. I have several writings never shared here on how to solve Venezuelan issue. Venezuela is balance of power and will not tilt toward USA at this time. It is a Draw. We again need Spain or China to take the lead and help lift Venezuela out of situation. We also need some change in regulations so Private actors can develop the industries Venezuela need for self sufficiency. We also thank Palestinian Authority for building Pharmaceutical production for Venezuela. #Venezuela #Palestine #China #Spain #Nicaragua
Hacking and digital Piracy on #Qatar is not UAE but rather it is technology state (Mafia) and #UAE involvement could be just getting some info for cash. Planning, execution, and intends have been plot of someone else. They most likely mind controlled Qataris to think it is UAE. But UAE involvement has been very limited. Hackers probably done so for cash. It had meant for causing division between the two.
There was a memory soul thought me and it states Iran and Saudi must be like brothers and enmity between them is only plot of those who are working against the charted world order. They hijacked world order in 2013 and w are reclaiming the correction of world order change. Iran, Saudi, Dubai, and Qatar must improve ties and start engagement and economic cooperation. It is World Order directive and must be initiated. So improvement of ties between GCC and Iran. Also Dubai should return to its previous role of being Hong Kong to Iran as Hong Kong is to China. There must be extensive trade between Dubai and Iran because we built Dubai for this role. Saudi and Iran must ally. #Saudi #Iran #Dubai #UAE France is new Fars, Paris is Parsi and Macron is name after me, Makan. Then #Saudi is #Saxon and its King is #Salman named after my Brother #Saman. Also Megan Makele married Prince harry but I am a boy. Makkah is also has name similar to mine Makan as region of Markan in Pakistan has name similar to mine. There is region named after me in every corner of the world and I am here to write world order.
America has mind controlled India to make statement against Pakistan. #Pakistan and #India must improve ties and have extensive trade and engagements via land and thus provide connectivity on land from Turkey and Europe to India via land based trade by road and rail road. We have been working on improvement of ties between India and Pakistan and America's mind controlling India to make statement against Pakistan is not tolerated. Pakistan and India should improve ties but Jammu and Kashmir dispute cannot be solved since Iran and Afghanistan also have significant stakes in the disputed region. The weather manipulation has concealed the great stake Iran and Afghanistan have in future of Jammu and Kashmir. But beyond Jammu and Kashmir India and Pakistan are ready to improve ties and it is world order directive to do so.
Qatar speaker in UN is being disturbed by mind control while seeking to make statement it is not Saudi since america likes to put it on Saudi but it is possible for Saudi to hire an american mind controller in United Nations to do it. #Qatar
Makan Abazari: I must correct the translator was targetted and censored
The hostile mind control disturbed my work on this so much but We can also have extensive development project in Somalia which will be also helpful in case of break out of a World War. Anyway, their natural resources and strategic reserves in addition to geostrategic and geopolitical significance make it great location for investment in strategic sectors such as steel and energy providing foundation for building higher valued products based on these strategic sectors. Its location is one of the most strategic in the world along with Iran, Yemen, Saudi, Egypt, Israel, and Sudan, and Eritrea making it one of most important nations with highest potential for development and advancement. There could be large amount of trade and merchant business in Somalia which produces wealth. It also provides access to many nations land locked and segregated from others which can make it also extremely important transit hub into Africa. It can play great deal of strategic security for the world and balance of power for nations choosing to invest and get involved in Somalia. Since it gives logistics for the Bob Al-Mandib for nations choosing to invest in Somalia. Al-Shabab can be negotiated with and given some roles thus Al-Shabab becoming insignificant in any such considerations. Somalia is also located on one of our most important global projects which is Indian Ocean trade system of industrial supply chains and goods. We are trying to revive the ancient system of trade revolving around India Ocean and Somalia is located on the trade system. There is also access to red sea and gulf of Eden. We can use classified means and build metropolitans in matter of couple of years similar to Kenya while we build trade centers, ports, rail roads, industries, and manufacturing. It can help as a stepping stone toward developing other nations in Africa. Yes there is also Yemeni Island Nearby which I am going to build a Hong Kong on it to Yemen and to Somalia on it (Hong Kong to China) this island will be a location for financial super power for Africa and red sea. We are also going to need build up Yemen fast specially civic and civil infrastructures and I need my Military bases rebuilt in Yemen for Balance of power. Classified Classified Classified But they destroyed my military bases in Yemen and security of earth has reduced. I am Earth and Iran is my Capital is Iran. #Somalia #Yemen My Military bases are not protected by soldiers.
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