Google, Facebook, and Twitter including their stock value
America’s economy is growing on steroids without any real production or such. What composes highest values in American stock market? Google, Facebook, and other software companies which almost all are used to create psychological profile for the Dark Mind Control so they have sufficient information about everyone to come and mind control people. Cambridge Analytica was crucified in this issue as support for Trump was crucified along with Russia. But what about google? What about other corporations such as Microsoft which come hacked and they are giving away life of people for so cheap to Dark Mind Control.
Yes, the software companies and software Giants have made experience of life of people corrupted and they are holding to power by having google and Facebook. There is no wealth in this game so why they are so expensive in stock market? It is for capability to spy and access so they can mind control. Google should be blocked, Microsoft must end, and social media must join list of legacies. Google infatuated by people investing in them because they are mind controlled to invest in them Mind control is keeping google alive by synthetically keeping them valuable.
Come on google share for thousand dollar? Do shareholders get privilege to mind control people? Of course not so who is there eating people’s life?
Uncle Sam:” Instead of devadance on your google stocks you have should give you capability to rape people once a month.’
Now there is no real productivity in American economy. It is only tools to spy on people and control fellow of information. Media, Cell Phones, software giants, and media production. Come on America what else does your stock market gets its high value stocks? Google should be 50 dollar a share. 1000 dollar shit shit shit it is value of American stock. Your google will evaporate if they stop mind controlling people to use google. Come on let us mind control people to use goduckduck. Then there is no google. A tool which gives access and information to develop psychological profiles to mind control. Such an example would be google. The use of google is enforced by mind control itself so people use them. Then there are people who go manipulating google algorithms so once upon time google was giving answer about something which could be correct but they are now all manipulated and thus google manipulates religions. All of the world religions.
Google also is involved in information censorship and is actively working by mind control groups to do its magic. They have people working in this corporations who are cooperating with mind control. The telecommunications such as T mobile are also the same. And what they get as reward? The Google and T mobile Rapist Staff. (not all of them special people working for google and T mobile.) Mind control eeeeeee you feel bad lady. Eeeeeeeeeee you feel hot down there eeeeeeeeeee look at that guy eeeeeeeeeee maybe you should have sex with eeeeeeeeeeeee now you feel better. Now there are much better ways to do this but it is level they have.
The WhatsApp is downloaded by masses of mind controlled people and it start providing eye to spy and ear to hear every single communications of millions of people. Then it suddenly gets offer from facebook to be purchased for 200 billion. That app worth a penny if not for capability to spy on peoples. What that thing is a spying tool and it is not real economic enterprise. Thus value of Facebook and Google are all due to spying capabilities. Now let us go and crucify Cambridge Analytica. By the way last time I reviewed Twitter did not remove its spying apps and software from its customers completely. So what happened? They just made giants who held their access but everyone else was dropped.
The spying giant of mind control base for Genocide Warmachine of mind controlling the Rebels and Mind Controlling masses to support rebels in Middle East Enterprise owned and operated by Americans and Allies.
Anti-Muslim Hate Complex of Politically correct owned and operated by Haters in USA
Mega pimping Industries of USA and rest of earth. We can get anyone for rape.
Uncle Pimp:” Obama would have been awesome for Logo but Trump has worked for Miss Universe.’
These groups kept their access to both Facebook and Twitter.
British Loneliness Industrial Complex of Plant Life for masses of peoples incorporated
America’s economy is growing on steroids without any real production or such. What composes highest values in American stock market? Google, Facebook, and other software companies which almost all are used to create psychological profile for the Dark Mind Control so they have sufficient information about everyone to come and mind control people. Cambridge Analytica was crucified in this issue as support for Trump was crucified along with Russia. But what about google? What about other corporations such as Microsoft which come hacked and they are giving away life of people for so cheap to Dark Mind Control. They don’t even have much advanced mind control. They have wave eeeeee Annoying, eeeee annoying, eeeeeeee annoying. AI engages in defense of Makan Abazari …. …… ……. We take America – Brazil long term relation into muddy waters. But these people don’t care…….
Now I have experienced mind control which showed me from creation of Universe to evolution of human societies in matter of 7 second. Now we have google and other telecommunication companies. ‘Eeeeee Annoying Eeeeeeeee Annoying Eeeeee now Makan Abazari you want to threaten USA by those and these.’
Makan:’ No fuck you. My mind control friend raised you and children of you from birth they even mind controlled you to build those softwares so we own your google. I am not going to Bomb America but watch these I hit you with writings which reverses progress of your thousand years of stolen intellectual properties and experience of lives of peoples.”
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