On Boris Johnson, I am happy you went to my capital but the management team is not aware of details of secret BREXIT deal. Yes, they are good people there who really care about goodness, As matter of fact we practically raised them and made sure some of kindest hearts are spread among them. I know I know there is a taboo of the deep state has been harming their reputation and the honor. Don’t worry we have lots of plan we have whole earth with us.
I was waiting for you and we have lots of things to do. I have sent several messages I will try to manage to be brought up for you to work with Iran on parts. British experience and certain sectors of economy can help us. But dual purpose technologies will be quickly domisticated since my grand grand parents had built majority of them even there. We will get raw Russian or Ukrainian technology on drilling Trucks, Lifters, versatile carrier cars, and automated unmaned road builders. (Uncle Sam: That is not Russian that is how you built Iran and how we built Nevada, and then farms in Ireland) We need dirt roads for super heavy trucks. we are not going to drive Ferraris on those roads. We have design for Massive Trucks as big as medium Cargo ships. Lots of efficiency work, computation, linear and dynamic programing and logoritmic expansion of roads by automated road builders for my new 5 cores Nexus core of cores 7 doors, 7 seas, Airways, and rail ways multicore industrial projects of eco industrial Metropolises and cores. I also can make you workshop out of britain that produces stuff needed for our own project but also produces capital with very high employment generation since BREXITiers in our light deep state asked for and we will do so if political part compelete and not attacked by space people mind controled to drag us down. Also two boats and a reliable Destroyer also was later promised but we are going to build few a day if need be. The scale is Mega industrial. The majority of work and manifacturing will be in middle east until we are ready to do so in places other than middle east. we can also start in parallel in other locations. I already have parts of that just burried it under sand. well, parts of it since even America has Satellites now. We will have Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Qatar also joining and hopefully Saudi and Egypt soon. Remember the most efficient and self sufficient Industrial power house is Iran but weather warfare causes problem. So we are going to move some of Atlantic to Atlantis (Marshes in Iran, or Marshal isles) and we bring Pacific to Himalaya as ice cap. So we reduce sea level also. We have lots of work to do as Military Intelligence Central command since whole earth needs our effort for the sake of lost generations. I am not losing another one of them be it in Venezuela and Argentina or in Zimbabwe and Libya. It will be for tomorrow talks. I am going to build something we will use for colonizing earth for yet another round over our earth and we going to use that for mars colonization project which uncle Sam (and teams and me (my royal forces and teams) are working on together. Yet another perfect circle. So it is an experiment and it will be our experimental phase on earth to be later applied on Mars. Now there are some gaps for translation of them to Mars technology but i have people translating it to Mars version in due time. I am going to have monkeys and Robots colonizing and due the majority of work. (very classified material) we are going to mind control monkeys on Mars from earth. I am going to teach the World My(our) Colonization had شرف (some sort of being good and righteous) . I am sick of this lie of independence and anti colonization and anti Iran global mind control project that accuses my Capital of crimes we never committed. Rather We died to prevent them from harming Jewish people. I am going to Colonize the earth yet another round as Iran, Britain, and rest of human race for 21 st time. We are going to show righteousness of our Colonization in comparison to this USA-CIA-Mind control independence lie policy that has only harmed and dragged nations down and destroyed productivity and experience of lives of some of most trained generations humanity ever trained. American independence and liberty has been all lies used to bring down nations and cause violance and setting them back to wood age, it reminds me of America without technology west state of mine. My colonization will be coupled with respect to sovereignty of nations. I am going to protect my work against mind controled leaders who may suddenly attack under effect of mind control harming my white farmers and engineers, brown Industrists, Black manufacturers, or Chinese managers and workers. I will protect every person and will protect my work. Money is not a problem we got that as much as 100 times in circulation in whole easrtg as of now. We will have so much of that and we will have Mind control to protect that or they know I jam their metropolitans into gridlocks on my own private king’s road while I am cutting out their highways to build hills for bikers to jump off. Yeah we have gurantees. Lots of that. It is Me, Makan Abazari, Communism, Capitalism, and Commonwealth then King’s own office. (that was code of secret garden,I told you don’t go for that house, or I will do one of two) Anyway so much is available as far as the simulator of our works and all else is just output. Maybe employ everyone on earth. But the goal is not just industrialization to extreme point. The goal is high tech and clean technology while we use old industries and methods. I can even teach you how to move Castle in York to Tehran and build a Manhattan on York. , I will colonize earth and bring prosperity and true independence to earth as Iran the capital and our league of nations. We our going to do lots of things. We are bringing my Machine of Military Industry complex, the highly efficient intelligent machine we went to moon by its works, defeated Nazi Germany, and also won cold war with as Iran, America taged along on the flag. Yes, before you can build a rocket that goes to moon you need to build Cosmopolitans, Cities, Mines, and Industries to build that Moon landing thing. We will lift earth and humanity and will put our new United Flag in neighboring Solar System in 100 years. But we can do this in 10 years and develop all of the earth and be building things on mars in 20 years as combined efforts, We will be building on Mars 20 years from now everything from spaceships to delivery catapuly crafts, batteries, rovers and Robots. On Mars itself before going to orbit of Jupiter and neptune. By the way we arrived at calculation that for leaving solar system gravity we need new advanced materials and spaceships that have many charges of acceleration. We will send a big craft first that catapults the nuclear charges for our accelrating spaceship to pick up and accelerate. Same stuff we thought NASA few month ago and accelerated efforts for Moon Deepspace gate space station progress, Yeah me, I need some biophysics experiment on orbit of Mars, Moon, and Jupiter and neptune. I don’t think folding of molecules be sufficient since gravity of sun starts to be on different elements at neptune Orbit. so we may need to engineer new DNA or RNA for life to thrive made of different elements at special molecular location. Hey the Dark side here I gotta go story going like Matrix movie my life sucks. I think We can do all of that I promise you. Uncle Sam: Who is that mother fucker who has stolen and claimed this in past concerning bio in space and wants to disturb the record of his master? That is that. Makan: See the important thing is folding patern based on affinities of each active side, and ho gravitation sensed and affects our folding of macro molecules. As we also can sea how the L and R foldings happen, kinda old but as 2011 I was not allowed to talk about. We also know the gravity of sun, earth , and moon effect biopysics and even protein molecular kinetics. As a nearby solar system passing by our solar system affects activity of our sun and gravities and orbits of planets. Then think about it in a swirl of which we call Milky way and effect of gravitation of Black hole also. Keep this part secret. We want to one day do a big bang out of this solar system and to get there we also need missiles systems that target meteors. I call this goal of starting a big bang by a monkey out of solar system, throwing stone at big bang to proof that is not God. It is all too small like dirt on tooth of an Indian legend.
Here do the formality while I work on educational material and do diplomacy in Shadow government
It was great to win BREXIT together never got to say it
Seal and Signed Makan Abazari, Yin and Yang, Uncle Sam and Manhattan, Natanz Isfahan Natanz Yazd, Moonies and Mahan, Monarch and Makan.
We built Windows, Facebook, stock exchange computers, and Macintosh, then they mind control people to teach them, we built Super computers, metabolite engineering methodologies with Makan, Classified AI for ourself, we build remotely control NanoMaterial with help of Makan, and countless other applied disciplines
In this project we are repairing 5 metropolitans Cores and will use it to colonize the earth and mars while developing corners of the earth. Surpassing productivity and strength of other nations in competition against ours and allying the rest as friends and as stars in our cosmopolitan Flag. I have 75 stars, 72 are old Kings of the old earth as power of the nations then and today, I have Technology West, Canada tech sector, USA tech sectors, and other western Technological states represented as 1 Star and I have Technological states of East; Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan also as 1 star. I also considered Islamic Republic work as another Star and Capital Iran. 75 Stars but I have already taken over the world I have all the stars just dont want constantly tell everyone including England and France. Now How many stars can Britain Bring?
My phone: (no one can contact me there is mafia blocking everyone)
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