
Showing posts from July, 2018

Pharmaceutical and Tech Companies of America

The software and tech companies are still extremely overpriced and are causing condition of bubble in value of Stock Markets where the total value is not even close to value presented on the value of stock and total numbers. These software companies are also saturated and operate based on using people information and influencing them in conjecture with mind control influence. It is a condition where a bubble was formed due to mass mind control leading to rally around corporation like google, Facebook, and other such organizations. These corporation never were as valuable and they were never were as expensive. They are producing illusion of economic growth and activity. The software and apps are already developed and advanced somewhere else and you are mind controlled to program it again as they want you to program it. Thus the mind control has designed an algorithm for you and knows all the flaws and weaknesses in this software you are producing. This has been the case for a long time....

System and Independence

America’s large size and capabilities has led to strength of heart in USA deep state so they carry sabotage, terror, geopolitical manipulation, and they orchestrate world order change without permission. America has flawed decision making system where people who do not even understand the situation and the parts in play are mind controlled to influence the events. They are mind controlled to do things which has secondary and third effects and other reasons. These reasons are enforced by genocidal AI and enforced guidelines the mind controllers cannot change. Then there is all powerful America and its defenses are behind their efforts and they are protected from others. They push for changes which lead to genocides and change of life for millions. ‘Then they give the bad feeling to the Think Tank who caused it in 20 years. Now you regret extending the war in Yemen you caused death of millions.’ There are also lobbyist who have influence on events and their shitty mind cont...

Another writing on Terrorism

We see America again conduct a terror attack in Afghanistan to delay the peace. It leads to legitimacy for keeping troops in Afghanistan. It also prevents the Taliban, Afghan Government, and USA military meeting and peace talks baring any fruit. We need to make sure American deep state and plot writers don’t get to carry these attacks to delay the peace and reconstruction of Afghanistan. We also have witnessed many terror attacks against Pakistan government as if it is normal to do it and it is because they want to cause instability and other long term and short term affects on the system, politics, government, and mass psychology. The use of terror attack has become a daily tool for deep state of America and its interest system which employs them for specific gains in Pakistan and Afghanistan most frequently to achieve certain ends. It has become a new Normal to simply use terror attacks as a tool in tool box to obstruct progress in all arenas. The terror attacks have man...

How America employs terror against Europe, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

We again see America has mind controlled Taliban to carry a terror attack. America does it to produce illusion of insecurity and influence public opinion in favor of their plans. For example terror attack in Europe were used to create fear of Muslims and thus fear of Migrant. It also caused hate and discrimination against Muslims. But they had a special goal in mind by terror attack against Europe. They wanted to influence masses of people and have them to become supporter of far right and other populist groups. By creating support for populist parties America had the plot of overthrowing old school political parties and establish other people to replace them in parliaments and governments. These new officials whom America psychologically conditioned from Birth thus they think in a specific way. It leads to several important policy changes and long term changes in European Union. Thus long term strategy and status of Europe has been influenced by it to extreme degree. Europe: “ Thank y...

Reza Shah and Roosevelt

Reza Shah and Roosevelt NOW NOW NOW IT IS IMPORTANT (SECOND PAGE) Roosevelt and Reza Shah Ramses and Morsi View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Book of Iranian Roses Love

Book of Iranian Roses Love View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Reza Shah and Rossevelt

NOW NOW NOW IT IS IMPORTANT (SECOND PAGE) Roosevelt and Reza Shah Ramses and Morsi View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Book of Iranian Roses Love


World Order Series; Central Earth

World Order Series; Central Earth View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

World Order Series; Central Earth


Confronting 4 of American Superiorities because of Personal hate mind Control has Against me ; Scientific

The Mind controller who comes and destroy everything good or everything for myself I make needs to get psychologically conditioned so he never tries again. I am going to target 4 of your superiorities everytime my social, romantic, financial, and family life or anything for myself is targeted. You will fall as superior in all of these even fi you attempt to harm my social or another personal life matter. Still I am going to get your mind control base and torture everyone who ever was involved against my personal life.

NOW NOW NOW IT IS IMPORTANT (SECOND PAGE) Roosevelt and Reza Shah Ramses and Morsi

NOW NOW NOW IT IS IMPORTANT (SECOND PAGE) Roosevelt and Reza Shah Ramses and Morsi View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Urgency of Time; We must Act Now

The Urgency of Time :

Some photo of me , Makan Abazari


Yin and Yang fall of Young Empire of the Earth USA

Yin and Yang fall of Young Empire of the Earth USA View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Yin and Yang fall of the USA the Young Empire


Armenia relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey

Armenia relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey The revolution in Armenia and new leadership provide perfect opportunity for Armenia to improve its ties with its neighbors especially Azerbaijan and Turkey. These long lasting diplomatic problems and hostilities must one day be solved and it is the day we take important steps toward solving the issues and improvement of ties. View On WordPress from Tumblr via IFTTT

Azerbaijan and Armenia relations


Temple Mount was not even in Israel
